Saturday, June 28, 2014

Blogpost #6 - Girl Meets World Premiere

I wanted to write a quick response to last night's premiere of the much anticipated(at least by me) spin off of Boy Meets World, Girl Meets World.

Truth be told, there is somewhat of a nostalgic feel to the show that stems from the original. You can very much tell that the creators are trying to remain true to the original's feeling. However, I still get that Hannah Montana, Disney vibe that I'm not a huge fan of.

** Side note; I'm just now realizing that I'm a 28 year old male, who has been patiently waiting for the premiere of a Disney TV show called Girl Meets World. And, I'm blogging about it the next day after having consumed a few alcoholic beverages. I may hate myself a little. Let's continue... **

The characters are very similar and even the opening episode carries plot points that we saw in the original series. You have Riley, who is a little nerdy and awkward around the opposite sex and you have Maya, who is a trouble youth, possibly someone who will get Riley into a lot of trouble throughout the series, and it was hinted at that she has family issues. Basically, you have a female Cory and Shawn.

In an interesting move, Cory is now a teacher and teaches Riley's class. So I guess, Cory has officially become the new Mr. Feeny(more on Feeny to come).

One of my biggest gripes was that they used the word "world" and awful lot in the first episode. Cory made a big speech about how it's his world and someday it will be Riley's world, but Riley needs to make it her world, and Cory has already met the world, so now it's time for Riley to meet the world. World, world, world.

I think the show will survive a while. It seems to be a good fit for the current Disney line up(not that I've ever watched anything on Disney in the past 10 years) and the show will undoubtedly convey a good message while making kids laugh. As far as for the Boy Meets World fans, I think some will watch just for the cameos. You've already got the familiar Cory and Topanga who seem to be about the same only a little more mature, there are rumors of cameos from Eric and Shawn later on, Minkus was advertised for an upcoming episode as the father of one of Cory's students, and of course, the greatest moment of all...

"Well done, Mr. Matthews."

Mr. Feeny was in Episode 1. And the above line was all it took to keep my hooked for at least the time being.

Give it chance, I say. And if it sucks, go buy the complete series of Boy Meets World on DVD and start over.


"That's just what I want - to be Topanga's boyfriend. And then we can name our children Chewbacca and Plankton."
-Cory from Boy Meets World

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Blogpost #5 - When I Grow Up 2: The Secret of the Ooze

My last post was somewhat of a far fetched bucket list of things I wanted to accomplish in my life at various different ages and stages(watch your back Dr. Seuss). But, the truth is, all those ideas were real to me at one point. I can honestly remember having those thoughts as a younger person and thinking the world was my oyster. Why can't I be a Ninja Turtle? I've got the body type for it, I look like an oversized turtle. My karate skills might need some work(I'm probably some sort of citrus colored belt if I had to guess), but I could totally do it. Why can't I be a professional wrestler? Mick Foley isn't a jacked up genetic freak and he was one of the greatest of all time. And, why can't I be a comedic actor? I'm funny. I make people laugh(my mom always told me they were laughing with me, not at me).

Here I am. Almost 28 years old and still trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up. The sad thing is, I still want to be all those things I wanted to be when I was 8. I may have grown up (and out) physically, but mentally, I'm still an 8 year old kid who wants to fight bad guys and be a superhero.

I thought the older I got, the more realistic my goals would get, but that's not really the case. Yes, I realize it is physically impossible for me to be a Ninja Turtle. I get it. But can you honestly look me in the eyes and tell me you wouldn't want to be one?

Let's look at reality; I have a job. I have a house payment and various other bills and I'm able to pay for all these things because of my job. I am unbelievably grateful for that and I thank God for all that I have. But there's this piece of me that yearns for something different. I've lost that sense of feeling like anything is possible.

I lay in bed every morning for about 15 minutes dreading the thought of getting up and going to work. Thinking that there has to be something else for me to do in the world. "What I'd really like to do is something extraordinary. Something big. Something mega. Something copious. Something capacious. Something cajunga!"

I was watching a documentary with dad tonight on the Russian Yeti on the Discovery channel. For a minute, I went right back to my 8 year frame of mind. I thought, how cool would it be to become a professional Yeti hunter? I could quit my job, sell my house, invest in various different cameras and equipment for locating this mysterious beast, buy some weaponry to protect myself and just travel to all the locations where there have been supposed Yeti sightings. I could be like the Bear Grylls of mythical creatures, surviving the snowy tundras as I search for what has never been found. But once the documentary was over, I realized it was getting late and I should probably go home and go to bed so I'm not cranky at work tomorrow. 

I guess what I'm trying to say is, I don't see anything wrong with having dreams that other people deem impossible. I don't care what people say. Some day, I will be a Ninja Turtle. 


"Every day I come by your house and I pick you up. And we go out. We have a few drinks, and a few laughs, and it's great. But you know what the best part of my day is? For about ten seconds, from when I pull up to the curb and when I get to your door, 'cause I think, maybe I'll get up there and I'll knock on the door and you won't be there. No goodbye. No see you later. No nothing. You just left. I don't know much, but I know that."
-Chuckie from Good Will Hunting